A free digital Haikyuu ship zine centered around rain and love. More info to come.Dancing in the rain, borrowed umbrellas, snuggled in and watching movies. All could lead to falling in love.


EventDeadline (11:59 p.m. EST)
Interest CheckMarch 1 - April 8
Mod ApplicationsApril 25 - May 23
Mod Application ResultsMay 29
Contributor AppsJune 10 - July 22
Contributor App ResultsAugust 6
Pitches DueAugust 21 - August 27
Pitches ChosenAugust 28 - September 3
Check-In #1September 18 - September 25
Check-In #2October 9 - October 16
Check-In #3October 30 - November 6
Check-In #4November 13 - November 20
Final SubmissionDecember 18 - December 23

*schedule subject to change at any moment



Head, Graphics, Formatting
About Me
Exhausted writer and artist who drinks too much coffee and loves Haikyuu just a bit too much.
Favorite Thing About Rain
The sound of it outside as you cuddle up inside with a cup of coffee and nothing on the schedule.
Favorite HQ Character
Bokuto, Suga, & Daichi :)


About Me
Tired writer that ignores WIPS to write essays on video game lore or marine biology.
Favorite Thing About Rain
The energy of running through the rain and playing with my dogs!
Favorite HQ Character
Bokuto, Oikawa


About Me
chronic overthinker who should spend more time writing, spends too much money collecting stickers, and too much time reading fanfiction
Favorite Thing About Rain
there is absolutely nothing better than taking a rain nap!
Favorite HQ Character
Suga, Oikawa, and Osamu


Social Media
About Me
Your stressed daydreamer, writer, and uni student who wishes that her WIPs could just write themselves.
Favorite Thing About Rain
The cold breeze that comes with it always makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
Favorite HQ Character
Iwaizumi, Daichi, Akaashi, and Osamu. I know I didn't just give one, I know.


About Me
writer and artist whose passions in life are population health, theater, and bokuto koutarou's thighs (their existence improves the population's health, right?)
Favorite Thing About Rain
napping next to a window that's cracked slightly open so the cool breeze enters the room!
Favorite HQ Character
Bokuto, Akaashi, Suga, Osamu


1. What is a zine?
A fanzine, or zine for short, is an unofficial, fanmade publication, which can be both digital or physical. Zines often contain a mix of artworks, writing, and merchandise for a specific fandom.
2. What is the theme of the zine?
The theme for the zine is “rain” and centers on themes of love. We ask all contributors to include rain in their piece.
3. Will ships be allowed?
This zine will include ships and will be centered on themes of love, whether friendship or romantic.
4. Will this zine be digital or physical?
This zine is digital only. Merch will also be digital.
5. Will this be for-profit, for-charity, or free?
This zine will be free!
6. How will the contributors be compensated?
Every contributor will be compensated with the full digital bundle (Zine PDF & Merch) sent via email.
7. I only have a small social following, is it worth it for me to apply?
This zine will not be based on following, experience, or connections, and will be based on skill only. No matter how many followers you have, your work will have an equal chance. We know it can be discouraging to be rejected because of these things, and we will make it our sworn duty to promise that will not happen.
This FAQ page will be updated periodically. Feel free to direct any other questions to this zine's CuriousCat, Email, or DMs on Twitter.

Application Guidelines

General Application Guidelines:
- Applicants must be at least 16 years of age by the time the application period closes.
- Applicants may apply for multiple roles, but will only be considered for one.
- Previous zine experience is not necessary.
- All samples must be properly tagged. No NSFW will be allowed in any of the samples. If your portfolio contains NSFW, you must indicate so during the content/trigger warnings section of the application. Improperly tagged samples/portfolios will result in disqualification.
- Please tag any potentially triggering content in samples.
- Double check that all links to samples are accessible (this includes links to art on private Twitter accounts). We will not be contacting anyone regarding broken links.
Page Artist Guidelines:
- Provide at least three samples of your best work, but you may submit up to 5.
- At least two pieces must feature Haikyuu characters.
- Traditional artwork is acceptable as long as it is scanned in high quality. (Preferably 300dpi)
Merch Artist Guidelines:
- Provide at least three samples of your best work, but you may submit up to 5.
- At least two pieces must feature Haikyuu characters.
- Traditional artwork is acceptable as long as it is scanned in high quality. (Preferably 300dpi)
- While samples of previous merchandise aren’t required, they are recommended.
Writer Guidelines:
- Provide up to three samples of your best work.
- Portfolio can be a Google Drive folder or AO3 link.
- At least two pieces must feature Haikyuu characters.
- Samples should be between 1.5k-3k word count. Samples over or under word count will not be considered in the judging process.
- Samples can be WIPs or excerpts from longer works, but at least one sample must be a completed work within the word count.